Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Google Gadget Eclipse plugin (3)

Here are some updates about the Google Gadget Eclipse plugin.
It has been uploaded to the website for about one week. We have 200 daily download so far. I really feel that "The world is flat", since the users are coming from around the world.
I even see a user from South Africa. Amazing.


Unknown said...

Unable to create view: Plug-in com.eobjectsoft.egadget was unable to load class com.eobjectsoft.egadget.views.GadgetView.


Johnson Ma said...

yes. that is built on jdk1.5.
since the default jdk download from sun site is jdk1.6.
i think it should be safe to use jdk1.5

Rick@Petech said...

Is the extension point schema not included in the jar file? I did not see it in the jar and when I try to define a new gadgetViewConfig extension there is only a generic element.